Your personalized program ...
A tailor-made and individual approach, as a personal trainer, graduated from the National Academy of Sports Medicine, one of the most recognized American organizations in the world.
Sport & health
Prevention of chronic disorders: backache, obesity, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases
Loss of his extra pounds, harmonization of his silhouette, post pregnancy program
Resumption of physical activity, re-movement, accompaniment and motivation for adapted and progressive sports practice
A sculpted silhouette, curved, drawn and toned, (arms, abs, glutes, pecs, thighs …)

Wellness and fitness
A program developed to overcome your discomfort and your malaise
We know today that physical activity associated with good food hygiene can prevent or even reduce a lot of chronic diseases and also increase life expectancy.
Cardio-vascular disorders, overweight, diabetes, osteoporosis, back pain, depression … a tailored program will help you fight against all these disorders.
A wide range of tools offered in the Personal Training program
- Bodybuilding, fitness, functional training (TRX, swiss ball, kettle-bell ..)
- Pilates core-training
- Combat sports (boxing classes, wrestling …)
- Running (preparation of your races)
- Cross training
- Street work out

According to the WHO cardiovascular disorders will be in 2020 the leading cause of premature death.
Prevention of cardio-vacuous disorders due to a sedentary life or, conversely, a hectic and stressful working life.
- Placing a place for a program that solicits the cardiovascular system for the purpose of progressive and adapted reinforcement (fast walking, running, boxing …) at the central level (heart pump) and peripheral for the muscular system (TRX, swissball …).
- The objective of the approach is systemic, the chosen physical activity will be playful and adapted to the profile of the person
- Setting up of mental techniques: relaxation, mental imagery …
- Dietary advice adapted to the problems of the person, in the context of high risks of cardiovascular disorders, dietary advice will be oriented on the prevention of the risks of atherosclerosis, hypertension and blood cholesterol
This very generic program is only given as an example.
Each disorder is analyzed specifically and treated from a tailor-made fitness program.
Obesity and overweight become major problems for our sedentary populations, high protein or low calorie diets have certain advantages and disadvantages. One of the best strategies is to combine physical activity and dietary balance to build on the 2 axes of weight loss (energy intake and expenditure)
An example of a program
Problematic post-pregnancy weight gain
- Initially set up a perineal reeducation program using pilates / core training exercises Muscular work will focus on a postural rebalancing
- Resumption of muscular and cardiovascular activity in order to implement progressive weight loss The focus will be on an energy balance favorable to caloric expenditure
- At the nutrition level, dietary advice will be provided to promote the loss of extra pounds.
This very generic program is only given as an example.
Each disorder is analyzed specifically and treated from a tailor-made fitness program.
Many people have not been physically active for a long time, so it’s hard for them to enroll in a gym? Difficult to motivate yourself to re-train?
The sport has never been for you an activity of pleasure, sports lessons even less? Then the overall program will help you gradually regain your taste for a sporting activity and take charge!
An example of a program:
Resumption of physical activity after cessation due to a sedentary lifestyle (professional life, arrest due to injuries, family life …)
- Implementation of 3 phases:
- Phase 1: stabilization or core training, sheathing, balance and basic physical quality (fundamental endurance)
- Phase 2: strength endurance at the muscular level and initiation at long training intervals
- Phase 3: phase adapted to the individual objective (toning, refinement, silhouette ect …)
At the nutrition level, food rebalancing tips will be added to physical activity
At the mental level, goal formulation, motivational interview to ensure the sustainability of physical activity.
How from this type of fitness, get the silhouette of his dreams.
Firm arms, projecting abs, buttocks firm and reassembled, pectorals drawn, thighs tonic. You practice for a moment the bodybuilding alone, you have no results?
Or you do not know how to get there to achieve your goals. Strength sports are competitive disciplines. Being also a weightlifting and weight training coach, I will guide you to achieve your goals because bodybuilding is a matter of biomechanics (placement / posture), physiology (number repetitions, series, charges, recovery time) to get to the body you want.
An example of gluteal program to adapt according to your expectations and your postures:
This type of fitness is built on a step by step workout:
Implementation of 3 phases:
Phase 1
- Endurance of strength
- Learning poly-articular movements
Phase 2
- Set up of specific series and repetitions for weight gain and volume (exercise requiring hip extension and hip abduction to work the buttocks as a whole)
Phase 3
- Set up stabilization series for the muscular dryer
This very generic program is only given as an example.
Each request is analyzed specifically and processed from a tailor-made fitness program.