
Siret: 82317483400015
RCS: Paris: 823 174 834
Share capital: € 5,000.00
Email :
Phone: 07-68-87-86-59
Authorization number for personal services: N ° SAP823174834
Insurance contract MAAF PRO -multirisque professional n ° 175710049 U 001
Directors of the publication
Legal Name: OVH
Registered office: 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France
Phone number: 0820 698 765
Other legal notices
Webmaster of the site:
“YAHIA SEGHIR” is a trademark registered at the INPI under the national number: 4330508
Photo Credits: Copyright © Danielle Aspis
These terms and conditions of use (“TOS”) are intended to define the terms and conditions under which YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING “YAHIA SEGHIR” makes available to its users (the “Users”) a website at the address URL (the “Site”) and the services available on the Site and the manner in which the User accesses the Site and uses its services.
Any connection to the Site is subject to compliance with these conditions.
The mere access to the Site by a User implies his acceptance of all the conditions described below.
In the event that the User does not wish to accept all or part of these Terms, he is asked to immediately give up any use of the Site.
Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING reserves the right to refuse access to all or part of the Site, unilaterally and without prior notice, to any User who does not comply with these Terms.
Access to the Site
The Website is accessible free of charge to any User who has access to the Internet. All costs related to access to the Site, whether material costs, software or access to the Internet are exclusively the responsibility of the User. The User is solely responsible for the proper functioning of his computer equipment as well as his access to the Internet.
Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING can not guarantee availability of the Site and / or its services, transmission reliability and performance in terms of response time or quality. No technical assistance is provided to the User by electronic or telephone means.
Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING strives to allow access to the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in case of force majeure or an event beyond the control of Yahia Seghir Consulting, and subject to any failures and interventions maintenance required for the proper functioning of the Site and / or services.
Moreover, Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING may be required to interrupt the Site or part of the services, at any time without notice, all without right to compensation. The User acknowledges and agrees that Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING is not responsible for interruptions, and any consequences that may arise for the User or any third party.
The responsibility of Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING can not be engaged in case of impossibility of access to the Site and / or use of its services. Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING can not, in addition, be held responsible for any malfunction of the network or servers or any other event beyond its reasonable control, which would prevent or degrade access to the Site.
Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING can not be held responsible for any damage, material or immaterial caused to the computer equipment of the User and the data stored therein, or consequences that may arise on his personal, professional or commercial.
If the User registers and / or transmits information on the Site, he agrees to provide accurate, up-to-date and complete information and to update this information so that it is always accurate, current and complete.
As part of the registration process, you may be asked to choose a password. The User will be responsible for the confidentiality and use of the password as well as any registration number. The User remains solely responsible for all activities performed with the password.
Personal data
If the User provides personal data, it will be kept by Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING for a maximum of two (2) years. The sole recipient of this data is Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING.
In accordance with the law “Informatique et Libertés” of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, the User has the right to access and rectify information concerning him. The User may, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of data concerning him.
Each User may exercise his right of access, opposition and rectification by sending a simple letter to Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING., 91 RUE DU FAUBOURG SAINT HONORE 75008 PARIS FRANCE
Or an email to:
The User may also object to the use of his personal data for commercial communication purposes by e-mail using the ad hoc link that appears on each e-mail message sent.
The opposition of a User to the use of his personal data in the context of commercial communications has the consequence of depriving him of information concerning the commercial offers of Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING of affiliated companies or partners.
Intellectual property
The general structure of the Site, as well as the texts, graphics, images, sounds and videos composing it, are the property of Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING. Any representation and / or reproduction and / or partial or total exploitation of the contents and services offered by the Site, by any means whatsoever, without the prior written authorization of YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING and could constitute an infringement within the meaning of Articles L 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.
The brand “Yahia SEGHIR” is a trademark registered by Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING. Any representation and / or reproduction and / or partial or total exploitation of this mark, of any nature whatsoever, is totally prohibited.
No reproduction, even partial provided for in article L.122-5 of the Code of the intellectual property, can not be made of this site without the authorization of the director of publication.
Hypertext links
The Site may contain hypertext links to other websites. To the extent that no control is exercised over these external resources, the User acknowledges that Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING assumes no responsibility for the provision of these resources, and can not be held responsible for their content.
It is possible to create a link to the presentation page of the Site without the express consent of Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING It is however advisable to post the Site in a new browser window. The websites with a hypertext link to this Site are not under the control of Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING, which declines all responsibility for their content. Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING reserves the right to request the deletion of a link that it considers not in conformity with the object of the Site.
The information and / or documents appearing on the Site and / or accessible through the Site come from sources considered to be reliable. However, this information and / or documents may contain technical inaccuracies and typographical errors.
Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING reserves the right to correct them as soon as these errors are brought to its attention. As such, the information and / or documents available on the Site may be modified at any time, and may have been updated. In particular, they may have been updated between the time of their download and the moment the User reads it.
The information and documents available on the Site are presented for information and general purposes and can not be assimilated to advice. It is strongly recommended to check the accuracy and relevance of the information and / or documents made available on the Site.
The use of the information and / or documents available on the Site is under the full and sole responsibility of the User, who assumes all the consequences that may ensue, without the responsibility of Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING can be sought at this title and without recourse against it.
Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING can not be held responsible for any damage whatsoever arising from the interpretation or use of information and / or documents available on the Site.
Rules of Internet use
The User declares accepting the characteristics and the limits of the Internet, and acknowledges in particular that:
- Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING assumes no responsibility for the services accessible through the Internet and has no control whatsoever on the nature and characteristics of the data that may pass through its host;
- data circulating on the Internet are not protected in particular against possible diversions;
- the communication of any information deemed by the User of sensitive or confidential nature is at his own risk;
- data circulating on the Internet may be regulated in terms of use or protected by a right of ownership;
- the User is solely responsible for the use of the data he consults, queries and transfers on the Internet;
- Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING has no means of control over the content of services available on the Internet. Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING can not be held liable for damages of any kind, direct or indirect resulting from the content and / or access and / or use of the Site including but not limited to any operating loss, loss of program , loss of data, any deterioration or viruses that could infect computer equipment or any other property of the Site User; and
- Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING is not responsible for technical or other problems making access to the Site difficult, random or impossible and whatever the cause and origin.
Liability of the User
The User is responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused to any third party and to Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING as a result of the unlawful use or exploitation of the Site itself or any of its elements and the consequences of the claims. or legal actions of which it could, therefore, be the object.
Changes to the Terms
Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING reserves the right to modify, at any time and without notice, the present TOS in order to adapt them to the evolutions of the Site and / or its exploitation.
Applicable law and competent court
These Terms are governed by French law, regardless of where the Site is used. Any disputes that may arise concerning the validity, interpretation, performance or non-performance, interruption or termination of the Contract shall be submitted to mediation in accordance with the mediation rules of the CMAP – Center of Mediation and Arbitration of Paris – near the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris Ile-de-France, of which the Parties have known and which they declare to adhere. In the event of a failure of the mediation, the disputes will be brought before the competent French courts.
For any question relating to the Site, the legal notices and these Terms of Use, Users may write to us by sending a simple letter to Yahia SEGHIR CONSULTING., 91 RUE DU FAUBOURG SAINT HONORE 75008 PARIS FRANCE
Or an email to:
Article 1: Scope
These general conditions of sale apply to all transactions concluded through the SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING network websites.
“Customer” means any natural or legal person to whom SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING provides a service of support and guidance.
“Internet Client” means a Customer who has entered into a Contract with SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING on the Site.
“Contract” means the contract between the Client and the SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING which is governed by the registration form (in written form or on the Site), the general conditions of sale to the private individuals of SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING (such as updated or modified) and the information sheet and release of liability attached to the registration form. The stipulations of the present general conditions will prevail in the event of contradiction with any other contractual document of SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING or the Customer.
“Stakeholders” means the professional or professionals of the SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING to perform the services provided under a Contract.
“YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING” means the simplified joint-stock company YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING, whose registered office is 91 RUE DU FAUBOURG SAINT HONORE 75008 PARIS France 75008 – Paris, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 823 174 834 .
“Site” means the website operated by yahia seghir consulting whose address is or any other address that may be substituted.
Article 1a: Audience and age limitation
SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING aims to offer a range of products and services to professionals and individuals.
Age restrictions apply:
The participation of minors imply an explicit agreement of the parents.
We do our best to restrict access to our sites, products and services to minors. Even if the content of our products and services is not shocking, we prefer to address a mature audience and able to understand the implications and responsibilities of the business world.
Any registered to the newsletter not fulfilling these criteria, will be immediately deleted from our database as soon as this fact is brought to our knowledge. Similarly, any customer who does not meet these criteria will be refunded immediately and a return of the product (s) concerned will be required.
Article 2: Purpose of the Contract
The Agreement sets out the respective rights and obligations of SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING and its Customers in the context of the sale and realization, by SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING, of services of supervision and support.
General conditions of sale to individuals
These general conditions of sale detail the rights and obligations of SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING and its Clients in the context of the services provided by SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING. These general conditions of sale apply to all contracts concluded with Customers (including on the Website).
These general conditions of sale are intended only for private individuals and professionals must contact SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING directly in order to conclude, if necessary, an adapted contract.
Any service performed by SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING implies the unconditional acceptance of the Customer to these general conditions of sale.
The Customer acknowledges having read these general conditions of sale and expressly declares to accept them in full and without reservation as soon as he signs the registration form or registers on the Site.
Any condition contrary to the general conditions of sale shall, in the absence of express acceptance, be binding on SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING irrespective of the moment when it may have been brought to its attention.
SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING regularly updates the general terms and conditions of sale in order to best match them with the expectations of the Customers as well as the legislation in force. The general conditions of sale that will apply to the Customer’s Contract will be those available on the Site. These will be considered as having been approved by the Customer, without any indication to the contrary communicated by the Customer within a period of two (2) weeks.
The Customer has the faculty to reproduce the general conditions of sale accessible on the Site.
Article 3: Price
Prices are quoted in euros all taxes included (at French VAT rate 20%), excluding postage and processing your order.
The price of the items can be changed at any time. However, the rate applied to an order will be the one announced at the time of the order.
Article 4: Conditions of Service
SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING offers its customers home classes e. The services provided by SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING have no medical vocation and in no way substitute for medical treatment.
Any session includes the intervention of an experienced and skilled professional in his specialty at home, at the office or at any other place of the meeting in case of an outside session.
The Speakers ensure the animation of the sessions in accordance with the rules of the art and bring all the care, the professionalism, the availability and the necessary diligence.
Organization and Planning
The Intervenor designated by SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING is the Client’s point of contact for the planning and organization of its sessions.
The sessions are booked directly with the Intervener.
The place of the sessions must be approved beforehand by the Intervener.
Delay, absence cancellation and suspension
Customers are required to respect appointments and schedules previously defined. No session, once reserved, can be canceled and will be due. This may however be moved within the week according to the availability of the Intervener and only if the postponement of meeting is requested by the Customer at least 72 hours in advance. Any delay of the Customer will be automatically deducted from the time of the session.
In the event of a delay by the Speaker, the latter must make up for lost time at the end of the session or at the following meeting. In case of unplanned absence of the Intervenant, he must make up the session.
A session may be canceled by SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING up to 24 hours before the start of the session. However, SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING reserves the right to cancel an outdoor session up to one (1) hour before the start of the session in case of weather conditions that do not allow it to be held. In case of cancellation, the concerned Customers will receive a call (or, in the absence of answer, an SMS) and the meeting will be postponed to a later date.
SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING can not be held responsible for the delay in the performance of the service in case of force majeure such as atmospheric disasters, an accident on the path of the Intervener or any other case of force major. In this case, the Client will be notified as soon as possible and the meeting will be postponed to a later date.
Physical condition
The Customer is required to have a physical condition that allows him to practice the physical activity and sports he has selected.
The Client must have had a medical examination prior to any activity with a doctor and produce a medical certificate of fitness for physical activity and sports of less than three (3) months and submit a signed version of information sheet and release of liability which is annexed to the registration form before the first session.
The medical certificate must be renewed each year and presented to the Intervener.
As part of sessions with pregnant women, a medical authorization may be requested by SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING.
Rules of procedure
The Customer must wear a proper and clean sports attire for the practice of sports activities (unless otherwise instructed by the Stakeholder).
The Customer must take all necessary precautions for his health, safety and hygiene and to respect the instructions of the Intervener in this sense.
Without prejudice to the following, SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING and the Intervenant may, without notice or indemnity of any kind, exclude or even terminate the Contract of any Customer whose attitude or behavior is contrary to morality, or notoriously embarrassing, unacceptable or dangerous for himself or for others.
Duration and maintenance of the Contract
The Contract terminates on the first of two dates / between the date on which all sessions were performed or the date on which the time to perform the sessions expired even though not all sessions were performed because of ‘an act or omission of the Client.
example: 10 sessions or 10 weeks of consumption time.
In case of partial fulfillment of the Contract, the full price remains due to SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING unless this partial realization results from an act or omission of SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING.
No cause of suspension or termination of the Contract by the Customer is allowed, except in case of force majeure, medical reasons or accident. The Customer must provide evidence of the suspension of the Contract, and in this case only, the SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING agrees to reimburse him the costs he would have incurred for meetings that he will not able to follow.
The Agreement and the sessions are not assignable by the Client without the prior agreement of SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING.
Rates and payment methods
The price set by SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING is guaranteed during the term of the Contract. SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING reserves the right to update the price of the support when subscribing to a new contract.
Prices are displayed in euros (€) all taxes included.
They include the sessions, the travel necessary for the Interveners to go to the place of intervention. Prizes take into account the thought process for the preparation of the technical sessions and the follow-up of the person.
The number of sessions and the total price will depend on the number of sports sessions required to achieve the Client’s objectives as well as the possible use of complementary sports activities (dietetics, aesthetics, relaxation, personal development, image consulting, etc.). )
and may therefore evolve according to the customer’s needs variables during the contract, in which case the conclusion of a new contract between SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING and the Customer may be necessary.
The Customer agrees to pay the SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING on the dates and in accordance with the payment terms indicated on the registration form. If the Contract is concluded in the presence of SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING and the Customer in a location that is not the one where SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING carries out its activity permanently or in the usual way, the Customer must wait for a period of seven ( 7) days from the conclusion before making the payment.
In the event of delay in the payment of the invoices, a penalty equal to 1.5 times the legal interest rate may be applied by SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING solely because of the non-respect of the due date by the Client . The amount of these penalties can not be less than 7.50 € TTC.
Insurance and responsibilities
Each Client must take out a personal liability insurance policy, covering it for any damage he may cause to third parties, of his own, during the services. SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING also advises each Client to take out physical injury and physical injury insurance covering them for their own physical integrity.
SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING has taken out insurance to cover damages for which it is liable. Intervenors who are not employees of SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING are independent professionals whose SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING is not responsible and who must also subscribe and maintain professional insurance.
The responsibility of SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING can be sought only in case of demonstration of a causal link between a gross negligence committed by the SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING in the performance of the Contract and the damage suffered by the Customer. The responsibility of SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING can not be sought (i) in the event of an accident resulting from the non-observance by the Client of the instructions of the Intervener; (ii) in the event of an accident occurring outside the sessions or advice provided by the Interveners; (iii) in case of acts or omissions of the Intervenors who are not employees of SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING; (iv) if the Customer does not respect the commitments he makes and guarantees that he gives under the Contract; and / or (v) in case of force majeure. Indirect damages (such as, without this list being exhaustive, loss of income, loss of opportunity, loss of profits, financial loss or immaterial loss) can not be the subject of compensation for damages. the share of SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING.
SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING is not liable in case remains solely responsible for the commitments it makes and the guarantees it gives under the Contract.
The Customer will be liable in the event of damage caused or in case of material or bodily injury resulting from a voluntary or involuntary act occurring on his part.
The Client also undertakes to guarantee and take care of all the convictions and court costs that may be incurred or charged to SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING because of faults, shortcomings or other acts arising from the fact client.
Distance selling (Internet)
This section of the general conditions of sale aims to define the terms and conditions of sale of services offered by SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING on the Site only and does not apply to contracts concluded by any other means.
The Site is only for individuals and professionals should contact YAHIA SEGHR CONSULTING directly. The online offers presented on the Site are reserved for Customers residing in France.
The Internet Client acknowledges that the ordering procedure on the website constitutes a Contract between the Internet Client and SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING.
The Internet Client must carefully read the terms and conditions of sale and accept them before validating each order.
Before placing an order, the Internet Client must carefully study the description and characteristics of the services he wishes to acquire. The photographs and illustrations do not constitute a contractual document.
The acceptance of the offer by the Internet Customer is validated, in accordance with the double click process, by the confirmation of his order.
By clicking on the first “Order” button to place the order and then on the second “validate” button to confirm the order, the Internet Customer acknowledges that they have read, understood and accepted the general conditions of sale without limitation or condition. The general conditions of sale are referenced at the bottom of each page by means of a link and must be consulted before clicking on the second button “Validate” to submit the order. SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING also requests the Internet Customer to read and accept the terms and conditions of sale for each new order.
The prices displayed on the Site are applicable for any purchase made on the Site.
Prices are displayed in euros (€) all taxes included.
Once the services selected and placed in his virtual basket, the Internet Client clicks on the virtual basket and checks that the contents of his order is correct before clicking on “[Confirm order]” to proceed to the payment.
The Internet Customer must then provide, on the same page, all the information necessary for the billing and execution of the services by entering his bank details before clicking on the first button “[Order]” to finalize his purchase. Purchases on the Site must include all information necessary for the proper processing of the order.
SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING authorizes payment by credit card or credit card, such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Paypal.
The Site is subject to a security system. SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING has entrusted its payment system to Sogenactif (a general company specialized in online payment security) and the general company guarantees the total confidentiality of the Internet customer’s banking information.
When the purchase summary is displayed, the total price will be displayed.
Before confirming the order, the Customer has the opportunity to check the details of his Order and its total price and return to the previous pages to correct any errors or possibly modify his order in accordance with Article 1369-5 of the Civil Code . The confirmation of the order entails acceptance of the general conditions of sale and formation of the contract. When buying on the Site, the Customer explicitly acknowledges his obligation to pay.
The payment will be cashed by SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING from the conclusion of the order
The Internet Client will receive an email confirming his purchase. The purchase is definitively confirmed only at the moment of the validation of the payment and commits the SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING only to reception of the email confirming that the order has been validated (confirmation sent only for the purchases on the Site). The Internet Client must therefore consult his e-mail. Any purchased service that is part of the same order that does not appear in the confirmation email is not part of the Contract.
In the absence of any indication or prior agreement as to the date of performance of the service, SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING executes or causes the performance to be performed without undue delay and no later than thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the contract.
The Internet Customer has fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of conclusion of the Agreement on the Site to retract. The Internet Client must inform SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING of its clear and unequivocal desire to retract by any means. The Internet Client may use the withdrawal form provided by SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING and must ensure that it is kept in the event of a dispute.
In the event of a withdrawal, SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING will refund the Internet Client the total amount paid without undue delay and no later than fourteen (14) days following the date on which it is informed of the decision of the Internet customer to retract. The refund will be made on the same method of payment used during the purchase. No fees will be paid as a result of this refund.
However some of the products and services we provide are not subject to this right of withdrawal. Article L121-20-2 excludes in particular:
Training services (online or in CD / DVD format) based on audio and video recordings,
Services such as production, marketing or coaching if the service started within 7 days of signing the contract.
Personal data
As part of a registration, the Customer provides personal data that is mandatory and necessary to process the registration and perform the service and that may be used for commercial communication purposes by SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING. Personal data will be kept by SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING for a maximum of two (2) years from the end of the Contract. The recipients of the data are SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING, the professionals (sports coaches, masseurs, nutritionists and all other professionals) designated by SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING to perform the services provided under a Contract.
In accordance with the law “Informatique et Libertés” of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, the Customer has the right to access and rectify information concerning him.
Each Client may exercise his right of access, opposition and rectification by sending a simple letter to YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING, whose registered office is 91 RUE DU FAUBOURG SAINT HONORE 75008 PARIS 75008 France – Paris or by mail: contact @ yahiaseghir .com
The Customer may, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of data concerning him. The Customer may also object to the use of his personal data for commercial communication purposes by e-mail using the ad hoc link that appears on each e-mail sent.
The opposition of a Customer to the use of his personal data in the context of commercial communications has the consequence of depriving him of information concerning the commercial offers of SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING, affiliated companies or partners.
The Client must indicate whether he accepts that his image is used by SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING, and, where applicable, sign the copy of the authorization of right to the image.
Intellectual property
All visual and audio elements of SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING and the Site, including the underlying technology used, are protected by copyright, trademark law, patent law and more generally by all rights of copyright. intellectual property. These elements are the exclusive property of SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING or its licensors. None of the elements of the Site or any part thereof may be modified, reproduced, copied, duplicated, sold, resold, transmitted, published, communicated, distributed, disseminated, represented, stored, used, rented or used in any form. otherwise, whether free or expensive, regardless of the means and / or media used, whether known or unknown to date, without the express prior written permission of SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING.
Customer service
The satisfaction of its customers is a constant concern of SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING.
SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING tries to meet the expectations of its customers as quickly as possible and respond to them as soon as possible after receiving a request, suggestion or complaint.
For any request, suggestion or complaint, the Customer is invited to contact the customer service: YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING, whose registered office is 91 RUE DU FAUBOURG SAINT HONORE 75008 PARIS France
By tel: 07-68-87-86-59 or mail:
Applicable law and competent jurisdiction
Any dispute relating to the interpretation and performance of the Contract is subject to French law.
Any disputes that may arise concerning the validity, interpretation, performance or non-performance, interruption or termination of the Contract shall be submitted to mediation in accordance with the mediation rules of the CMAP – Center of Mediation and Arbitration of Paris – near the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris Ile-de-France, of which the Parties have known and which they declare to adhere. In the event of a failure of the mediation, the disputes will be brought before the competent French jurisdictions.
Any modification of the legislation or the regulation in force, or any decision of a competent court invalidating one or more clauses of the general conditions of sale can not affect the validity of the entirety of the general conditions of sale, whose other stipulations will keep all their strength and reach. Such modification or decision does not authorize the Clients to disregard the present general conditions of sale.
The fact that SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING does not avail itself, at a given moment, of any of the clauses of the Contract, can not be interpreted as a renunciation to take advantage of it later.
The general conditions of sale are available on the Site and may be modified at any time at the discretion of SASU YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING without any other formality than their posting, only the latest version will be applicable.
YAHIA SEGHIR CONSULTING is a SAS with a capital of 5,000 euros. RCS 75 SIRET 82317483400015
VAT FR 59 823174834
Registered office: 91, rue du Faubourg St Honore 75008 Paris.
Tel: 07-68-87-86-59
Mail: contact @ yahiaseghircom